Monday, October 20, 2014

A Family of 3

Last Christmas I wanted a puppy.  Like 5 year old girl crying to her parents in a pet shop wanna puppy.  I begged, pleaded and guilted.... but no puppy. Then just as my dreams of a puppy under the tree with a red ribbon around his neck faded, Austin gave me something better.  He said instead of a puppy, let's have a baby.  Best Christmas Eve ever! 
We prayed for the right time and were quickly blessed with the best news ever!  When I told Austin he just kept kissing me.  We were ecstatic, and  I felt like I was living a dream. Until 6 weeks hit and then I was banished to the bathroom.  Hence the delay in posting about our elation! 
To say it was a crazy summer is an understatement.  In July I decided to take a couple weeks off due to the nausea and feeling like it was unfair to patients for me to work on them in this state.  During this time I was approached to work at Healthworks.  I debated (and threw up) for the couple weeks and when I went back to work I felt like switching jobs was the right decision.  I put in my notice and prepared to enter the world of public health! 
Austin and I ended up telling people much earlier than planned since I was not functioning very well. Since most the people I told got, "I'm pregnant, but feel like death.  I'm miserable!" I was determined to tell the Facebook world with a cute announcement! So during a trip to Estes, I made Austin take this somewhat corny picture.  Even though it doesn't quite pick up the way I felt at this time... it meant the world to have a picture describing how I wanted to feel!  
I'm 24 weeks now and just weened off of a great combo of unison/b6.  I am feeling great 95% of the time and loving returning to my previous level of activity.  I have been feeling kicks and turns for about 2 weeks and it seems to fade the memory of "morning sickness."  For months I have been telling Austin that this will be our only child, but with every kick I feel my only child decisiveness dwindle. 
So far I love the job, but even more I love getting ready for our DAUGHTER! We feel so unbelievably blessed to have great jobs, a growing family and each other.