Thursday, July 5, 2012


School this summer is kind of a joke.  We finished finished the majority of our classes in May so most of June I got out of school at noon.  After 3 years of constant stress this summer has been unbelievably nice.  Since my schedule of being a stay at home wife (minus clinic hours) is pretty open... I was able to plan a perfect 4th of July.  This year's Independence Day was bound to be better than last years because of no boards and easy school, but I wanted our last Omaha 4th to be extra awesome. Our day included the home run derby, BBQs, pool time, bike ride and fireworks x3.  It was interesting to watch fireworks at 11 PM and still be sweating in 90+ degree weather.  Please excuse how gross I look in the pics.  My hair and Omaha's humidity have a love/hate relationship. 

TD Ameritrade Park for all those visitors who never came to witness Omaha's claim to fame...
 the College World Series

Leave it to Omaha for there to be a wedding added to the home run derby, concert and fireworks extravaganza.  I really think this post will explain why I think Omaha is so great!

Remember there is still 1 more year to experience the class and glamour of the Midwest!

Featured at the home run derby was a band called Cowboy Mouth.  Austin and I have termed the genre as Metallica meets the Wiggles. They have deleted all the negative facebook comments, but trust me Omaha was not quite ready for their style.  I've never been to a concert that when the band yells, "Do you guys want to hear one more?" and the audience screams back, "No!"
 It was kind of sad and I am hoping it was just an off night.

I hope all of your 4ths were as great as ours.  Happy Birthday America! I hope your birthday wish was for Mitt Romney to win. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Our First Anniversary

Our first year was perfect. There are countless memories that are priceless to me.  After all the years of dating and waiting to finally be together I can really say I made sure to soak it all in every day.

We had clinic/work on our anniversary so Austin met me at school for lunch.  We sat on paper (the official 1st anniversary gift) and had a picnic together.  That night we ate the top layer of our wedding cake... which for a cake that was a year old it was pretty great. We then toasted in hopes of our second year being even better!

That week we headed to San Diego for the rest of our celebration.  It was wonderfully perfect. We went to Sea World, Balboa Park, the beach and spent lots of time just being together. Also of note, we stopped by the Mormon Battalion visitors center, and is was awesome.

Remember Austin's little obsession with thinking he can eat insane quantities of food?  Well no romantic trip together is complete without him attempting said challenge. We found this jewel of a challenge at the Broken Yolk Cafe in San Diego.  He didn't finish, but I was glad he didn't!

So... Happy Anniversary Austin (and sorry your card is still blank and under the TV in the cabinet).