I go to the gym before work everyday, but today I have a lot of extra energy for some reason. So I obnoxiously woke Austin up to take an embarrassing picture of me pregnant. I have not taken these pictures because I feel huge and would rather not remember, but I want the baby to have some representation of what I went through!
(excuse our messy bathroom)
Overall I feel amazing. I don't really have any pregnancy symptoms or cravings beside being a lot larger. The baby kicks all the time and I can definitely feel her growing. Austin told me he was 75% excited, 20% scared and 5% apathetic. Besides the apathetic part, I feel the same amounts of scared and excited. She is going to change our lives so much! We have had 3.5 years of married life just the two of us. We are so used to hopping in the car for dinner, movies or even just a trip to Target that having to plan around a slightly demanding diva will be quite the adjustment. Our marriage has been so strong, fun and fulfilling that I'm scared of the change. At the same time, though, I can't wait to meed this little girl. I can sense her personality and can picture what she'll be like. I see this spunky little blonde that is too mature for her age. I see a girl that is going to wrap her dad around her little finger and be her mom's best friend. I can't wait to see if I'm right!
Less than 3 months until we meet you...
I can't believe I'm seeing this 2 days late! You are adorable pregnant (and super teeny for being in your third trimester)! Yes, "hopping in the car" becomes a different task, but it's totally still possible. I'm so excited for you guys!