Sunday, October 16, 2011


There is a wonderful time of year that Creighton likes to call "Fall Break."  That's right 3 days of no clinic, no classes and no tests. Mine was... well magical.  My running partner and I headed to Kansas City for the break.  We met my mom there for some pre-race shopping and exploring then husbands drove down to support us.  Saturday we conquered 13.1 miles.  While this may seem like a far stretch from my 30 by 30 goal, it is a pretty big deal for me.  Plus it means I get to take a break from 5:30 am runs! Please excuse the less than flattering post-13.1 mile pictures.


After the run we took advantage of mid-west living and headed over to Liberty Jail.  Even though I was a tad bit tired and sore, it was still a wonderful experience.  I'm sad the break is over, but I am now refreshed for another magical week of dental school.  Sometimes I just wish I could do half days of dental school too.

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