Monday, August 22, 2011

Birthday Wishes

August 21st is always a pretty awesome day, but yesterday was perfect.  My family and friends made it such a perfect day.  23 was such a whirlwind, crazy and wonderful year. I feel very blessed to be where I am today, and am excited for the adventures of being 24! Here's a documentation of the day... courtesy of our new and exciting camera!!!!
Omaha friends that came to my extra special birthday BBQ

I kind of love him

Although not evident through this blog... I don't eat cupcakes everyday

Proof of the camera...

My mom came all the way to Omaha just to celebrate! She's the best.

I hope everyone's August 21st was as amazing as mine!!!!


  1. I missed you on August 21st! I'm glad it was such a good day, and I'm excited to see you next weekend! Happy Birthday again!

  2. but when you do eat cup cakes , all of cyberspace knows!

  3. Thank you both of you. Aubry I am pretending you wished me happy birthday rather than mocking my desire to share my eating habits with others, love you both!!!!
