Back to school for those of you who aren't familiar with the brilliant abbreviation for the Creighton University School of Dentistry. It was great of course. After my whole 2.5 week summer break I was ready to return to class and clinic. Honestly, I can not even muster sarcasm of the subject. It is just too depressing. It could have been worse, though. I survived. Plus I had many memories of a perfect 2.5 weeks to keep my spirits up. I'll share the highlights...
A long weekend at Wrightsville beach with just my mom and me. We read, we ate and we shopped. We laid in the sun, and we talked for many, many hours. It was simply perfect.
A trip to Cheyenne. So many highlights! Like LONG morning bike rides with my dad, and lunches with sisters. Plus much needed time with niece and nephews! I even got breakfast made for me courtesy of the Pedo. Banana Dogs! yup anyone who wants the recipe I can get it for ya. I gagged a little bit during my single bite.
Every bit was carefully manipulated by 5 year old hands, and only my mom was able to sacrifice her taste buds for the love of the boy.
Then I returned for much needed husband time, and postman stalking....I PASSED BOARDS! It was the perfect 2.5 weeks to get me through my 2nd to last first day of school!