This recent birthday (the big 2-4) really got me thinking about approaching my late twenties. It might be the fact that I'm now older than my husband, or that graduation is a mere 18 months away, but I have really been thinking about goals. So with no further ado I present my 30 goals to accomplish before 30. Keep in mind they are not in order of significance, and I hold all rights to necessary changes.
1) Graduate from dental school
2) Get an awesome job
3) Pay off student loans with said awesome job
4) Run a marathon
5) Have a kid (after Kristen has one)
6) Go to Maui
7) Buy a house
8) Re-learn cello... and touch up piano while I'm at it
9) Take a girls trip
10) Go to New York with Austin
11) Learn to cook Indian food
12) Get really good at veneers
13) Retire the subaru with purchase of new subaru
14) Go to the Fort Collins LDS Temple open house
15) Do a bike race
16) Attempt giving blood again
17) Give someone a beautiful smile for free
18) Learn to take decent pictures
19) Take a Spanish class... pointing and saying "dolor" only gets me so far
20) Wakeboard successfully
21) Read Les Miserable
22) Grow a garden
23) Make pasta from scratch
24) Learn to french braid
25) Do something wonderful for my parents
26) Mentor someone
27) Volunteer for a campaign
28) Go to all my roomates' weddings
29) Celebrate 6 anniversaries with my husband
30) Be on the road to become a good parent